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.: Mame Manuals Collection :.
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Descrizione Nome File Dimensione Data desc
Jump Shot
jumpshot.pdf 134.90 KB01/07/2011
Jr. Pac-Man
jrpacman.pdf 2.12 MB01/07/2011
Joust (White/Green label)
joust.pdf 3.69 MB01/07/2011
Joust 2 - Survival of the Fittest
joust2.pdf 115.85 KB01/07/2011
Joust (Solid Red label)
joustr.pdf 201.12 KB01/07/2011
Joust (White/Red label)
joustwr.pdf 189.77 KB01/07/2011
journey.pdf 2.69 MB01/07/2011
JoJo's Venture (Asia 981202, NO CD)
jojoan.pdf 4.48 MB01/07/2011
JoJo's Venture (USA 981202)
jojoa.pdf 4.48 MB01/07/2011
Johnny Nero Action Hero
jnero.pdf 694.97 KB01/07/2011
Return of the Jedi
jedi.pdf 6.60 MB01/07/2011
Jambo! Safari (JPN, USA, EXP, KOR, AUS) (Rev A)
jambo.pdf 7.31 MB01/07/2011
Jail Break
jailbrek.pdf 153.46 KB01/07/2011
Jackal (World)
jackal.pdf 2.66 MB01/07/2011
Jack the Giantkiller (set 1)
jack.pdf 1.28 MB01/07/2011
Interstellar Laser Fantasy
istellar.pdf 663.09 KB01/07/2011
Island 2 (060529 World)
island2.pdf 350.71 KB01/07/2011
Island (050713 World)
island.pdf 359.44 KB01/07/2011
Iron Horse
ironhors.pdf 1.43 MB01/07/2011
I, Robot
irobot.pdf 3.88 MB01/07/2011
Invinco / Head On 2
invho2.pdf 9.10 MB01/07/2011
Invasion - The Abductors (version 5.0)
invasnab.pdf 3.05 MB01/07/2011
Space Invaders Part II (Taito)
invadpt2.pdf 805.67 KB01/07/2011
Space Invaders / Space Invaders M
invaders.pdf 884.11 KB01/07/2011
Space Invaders Deluxe
invaddlx.pdf 1.88 MB01/07/2011
Space Invaders II (Midway, cocktail)
invad2ct.pdf 5.16 MB01/07/2011
In The Hunt (World)
inthunt.pdf 1.13 MB01/07/2011
Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 3 (Japan) (Rev. C) (GDS-0032C)
initdv3j.pdf 8.84 MB01/07/2011
Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 2 (Japan) (Rev. B) (GDS-0026B)
initdv2j.pdf 5.83 MB01/07/2011
Initial D Arcade Stage (Rev B) (Japan) (GDS-0020B)
initd.pdf 3.81 MB01/07/2011
Inferno (Williams)
inferno.pdf 4.60 MB01/07/2011
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 1)
indytemp.pdf 3.17 MB01/07/2011
INDY 500 Twin (Revision A, Newer)
indy500.pdf 2.75 MB01/07/2011
Ikari III - The Rescue (World, 8-Way Joystick)
ikari3.pdf 1.01 MB01/07/2011
Ikari Warriors (US JAMMA)
ikari.pdf 1.56 MB01/07/2011
Indoor Soccer (set 1)
idsoccer.pdf 976.98 KB01/07/2011
igmo.pdf 5.25 MB01/07/2011
Hyper Olympic
hyprolym.pdf 671.66 KB01/07/2011
Hyper Sports
hyperspt.pdf 366.45 KB01/07/2011
hydra.pdf 5.33 MB01/07/2011
hustle.pdf 2.67 MB01/07/2011
Hot Shots Tennis (V1.1)
hstennis.pdf 2.15 MB01/07/2011
Hard Puncher (Japan)
hpuncher.pdf 2.22 MB01/07/2011
The House of the Dead III (GDX-0001)
hotd3.pdf 2.95 MB01/07/2011
House of the Dead 2
hotd2.pdf 4.05 MB01/07/2011
House of the Dead
hotd.pdf 1.16 MB01/07/2011
Hold& Spin I (Version 2.7T, set 1)
hldspin1.pdf 1.09 MB01/07/2011
Vs. Hogan's Alley
hogalley.pdf 162.72 KB01/07/2011
American Horseshoes (US)
horshoes.pdf 1.53 MB01/07/2011
Hold& Spin II (Version 2.8R, set 1)
hldspin2.pdf 1.09 MB01/07/2011
Hit Me (set 2)
hitme1.pdf 4.67 MB01/07/2011
Hit Me (set 1)
hitme.pdf 4.67 MB01/07/2011
Hit the Ice (US)
hitice.pdf 2.41 MB01/07/2011
Hippodrome (US)
hippodrm.pdf 5.85 MB01/07/2011
High Impact Football (rev LA1 12/16/90)
hiimpact1.pdf 3.28 MB01/07/2011
High Impact Football (rev LA5 02/15/91)
hiimpact.pdf 3.97 MB01/07/2011
HeliFire (set 1)
helifire.pdf 865.10 KB01/07/2011
Hammerin' Harry (US)
hharryu.pdf 1.36 MB01/07/2011
Hammerin' Harry (World)
hharry.pdf 1.36 MB01/07/2011
Head On (2 players)
headon.pdf 2.60 MB01/07/2011
Heavy Barrel (World)
hbarrelw.pdf 2.81 MB01/07/2011
Heavy Barrel (US)
hbarrel.pdf 1.59 MB01/07/2011
Hatris (Japan)
hatrisj.pdf 750.15 KB01/07/2011
Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders (Revision A)
harley.pdf 3.40 MB01/07/2011
Hard Drivin' (compact, British, rev 2)
harddrivcb.pdf 4.86 MB01/07/2011
Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 7)
harddriv.pdf 6.24 MB01/07/2011
Hang-On (Rev A)
hangon.pdf 1.39 MB01/07/2011
Gypsy Juggler
gypsyjug.pdf 2.23 MB01/07/2011
Halley's Comet (US)
halleys.pdf 249.14 KB01/07/2011
Gyruss (Konami)
gyruss.pdf 924.64 KB01/07/2011
Gyruss (Centuri)
gyrussce.pdf 924.64 KB01/07/2011
Guerrilla War (US)
gwar.pdf 615.13 KB01/07/2011
Gunmen Wars (GM1 Ver. A)
gunwars.pdf 1.84 MB01/07/2011
Gun Survivor 2 Biohazard Code: Veronica
gunsur2.pdf 1.48 MB01/07/2011
Gun.Smoke (World)
gunsmoke.pdf 2.53 MB01/07/2011
Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (US)
gunforceu.pdf 1.42 MB01/07/2011
Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World)
gunforce.pdf 1.42 MB01/07/2011
Gun Fight (set 1)
gunfight.pdf 1.81 MB01/07/2011
Gulf Storm (Media Shoji)
gulfstrmm.pdf 1.59 MB01/07/2011
Gunblade NY (Revision A)
gunblade.pdf 743.03 KB01/07/2011
Gun Dealer (Korea)
gundealrt.pdf 288.58 KB01/07/2011
Gunbird (World)
gunbird.pdf 1.25 MB01/07/2011
Guardians of the 'Hood
guardian.pdf 3.86 MB01/07/2011
1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/07/18)
gtmr.pdf 860.39 KB01/07/2011
GTI Club (ver EAA)
gticlub.pdf 1.31 MB01/07/2011
Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.1)
gtg.pdf 2.83 MB01/07/2011
Golden Tee '99 (v1.00)
gt99.pdf 732.08 KB01/07/2011
Golden Tee '98 (v1.10)
gt98.pdf 5.24 MB01/07/2011
Golden Tee '97 (v1.30)
gt97.pdf 5.12 MB01/07/2011
Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.93N)
gt3d.pdf 3.57 MB01/07/2011
Growl (World)
growl.pdf 1.29 MB01/07/2011
Great Sluggers (Japan)
gslugrsj.pdf 2.47 MB01/07/2011
Great Swordsman (World?)
gsword.pdf 174.77 KB01/07/2011
Great Guns
greatgun.pdf 7.02 MB01/07/2011
Gridiron Fight
gridiron.pdf 1.53 MB01/07/2011
Grand Champion
grchamp.pdf 12.01 MB01/07/2011
Gravitar (prototype)
gravp.pdf 1.53 MB01/07/2011
Gravitar (version 2)
gravitar2.pdf 2.16 MB01/07/2011
Gravitar (version 3)
gravitar.pdf 2.24 MB01/07/2011
Gratia - Second Earth (92047-01 version)
gratia.pdf 889.38 KB01/07/2011
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