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.: Mame Manuals Collection :.
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Descrizione Nome File Dimensione Data desc
Space Firebird (Gremlin)
spacefbg.pdf 1.40 MB01/07/2011
Space Duel
spacduel.pdf 4.18 MB01/07/2011
Space Firebird (Nintendo, set 1)
spacefb.pdf 721.44 KB01/07/2011
Sonic Wings (Japan)
sonicwi.pdf 1.08 MB01/07/2011
Son Son
sonson.pdf 476.34 KB01/07/2011
Soul Edge Ver. II (World, SO4/VER.C)
souledge.pdf 1.40 MB01/07/2011
solarwar.pdf 1.31 MB01/07/2011
Solar Quest
solarq.pdf 4.93 MB01/07/2011
Atari Soccer
soccer.pdf 1.64 MB01/07/2011
Snow Bros. - Nick& Tom (set 1)
snowbros.pdf 1.81 MB01/07/2011
Super Monaco GP (World, Rev B, 'Twin', FD1094 317-0126a)
smgp.pdf 3.28 MB01/07/2011
Super Muscle Bomber: The International Blowout (Japan 940808)
smbombr1.pdf 3.05 MB01/07/2011
Smash T.V. (rev 8.00)
smashtv.pdf 3.91 MB01/07/2011
Sly Spy (US revision 3)
slyspy.pdf 1.33 MB01/07/2011
Slither (set 1)
slither.pdf 9.64 MB01/07/2011
Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713)
slammast.pdf 494.84 KB01/07/2011
Sky Soldiers (US)
skysoldr.pdf 1.91 MB01/07/2011
Sky Raider
skyraid.pdf 2.35 MB01/07/2011
Sky Adventure (US)
skyadvntu.pdf 648.87 KB01/07/2011
Sky Diver
skydiver.pdf 2.99 MB01/07/2011
Sky Kid (new version)
skykid.pdf 261.77 KB01/07/2011
skelagon.pdf 900.70 KB01/07/2011
Sinistar (revision 3)
sinistar.pdf 1.52 MB01/07/2011
The Irem Skins Game (US set 1)
skingame.pdf 1.55 MB01/07/2011
The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1)
simpsons.pdf 730.60 KB01/07/2011
Silk Worm (World)
silkworm.pdf 735.11 KB01/07/2011
Silent Dragon (World)
silentd.pdf 529.52 KB01/07/2011
Side Track
sidetrac.pdf 1.73 MB01/07/2011
Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (US)
sidearmsr.pdf 2.69 MB01/07/2011
Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World)
sidearms.pdf 2.69 MB01/07/2011
Shuffleshot (v1.40)
shufshot.pdf 2.32 MB01/07/2011
Shuuz (version 8.0)
shuuz.pdf 4.66 MB01/07/2011
Shoot Out (US)
shootout.pdf 2.25 MB01/07/2011
Satan's Hollow (set 1)
shollow.pdf 5.87 MB01/07/2011
Shogun Warriors (World)
shogwarr.pdf 875.32 KB01/07/2011
Shinobi (set 6, System 16A, unprotected)
shinobi.pdf 3.65 MB01/07/2011
Super High Impact (rev LA1 09/30/91)
shimpact.pdf 4.81 MB01/07/2011
Shadow Dancer (World)
shdancer.pdf 3.28 MB01/07/2011
Shark Attack
sharkatt.pdf 782.33 KB01/07/2011
sheriff.pdf 499.69 KB01/07/2011
Shienryu (JUET 961226 V1.000)
shienryu.pdf 354.27 KB01/07/2011
Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected)
shangon.pdf 2.03 MB01/07/2011
Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12)
sftm.pdf 1.65 MB01/07/2011
Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950605)
sfzjr2.pdf 1.19 MB01/07/2011
Super Fruit Bonus (Version 2.5E Dual)
sfruitb.pdf 162.06 KB01/07/2011
Street Fighter III: New Generation (USA 970204)
sfiii.pdf 1.09 MB01/07/2011
Street Fighter EX 2 Plus (USA 990611)
sfex2p.pdf 573.29 KB01/07/2011
Street Fighter EX 2 (USA 980526)
sfex2.pdf 928.43 KB01/07/2011
Street Fighter III: New Generation (Japan 970204)
sfiiij.pdf 1.09 MB01/07/2011
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727)
sfa.pdf 1.31 MB01/07/2011
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229)
sfa2.pdf 1.35 MB01/07/2011
Skill Fruit Bonus (Version 1.9R, set 1)
sfbonus.pdf 162.34 KB01/07/2011
Street Fighter EX (Euro 961219)
sfex.pdf 1.07 MB01/07/2011
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904)
sfa3.pdf 803.50 KB01/07/2011
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910206)
sf2ua.pdf 1.05 MB01/07/2011
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (USA 920313)
sf2ceua.pdf 299.17 KB01/07/2011
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920313)
sf2ceea.pdf 299.17 KB01/07/2011
seicross.pdf 518.86 KB01/07/2011
Section Z (set 1)
sectionz.pdf 1.23 MB01/07/2011
Seawolf II
seawolf2.pdf 5.28 MB01/07/2011
Sea World (Version 1.6E Dual)
seawld.pdf 1.69 MB01/07/2011
scramble.pdf 0.99 MB01/07/2011
Sea Wolf (set 1)
seawolf.pdf 453.76 KB01/07/2011
Space Dungeon
sdungeon.pdf 1.11 MB01/07/2011
Super Cobra (Stern Electronics)
scobras.pdf 473.95 KB01/07/2011
Super Cobra
scobra.pdf 473.95 KB01/07/2011
Special Criminal Investigation (US)
sciu.pdf 1.65 MB01/07/2011
Super Contra
scontra.pdf 2.40 MB01/07/2011
Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1)
sci.pdf 1.65 MB01/07/2011
Skill Cherry '97 (ver. sc3.52)
schery97.pdf 2.16 MB01/07/2011
Space Chaser
schaser.pdf 3.41 MB01/07/2011
Super Breakout (rev 04)
sbrkout.pdf 2.26 MB01/07/2011
Salamander 2 (ver JAA)
salmndr2.pdf 1.93 MB01/07/2011
Sand Scorpion (Chinese Title Screen, Revised Hardware)
sandscrpb.pdf 814.59 KB01/07/2011
Samurai Aces (World)
samuraia.pdf 1.26 MB01/07/2011
Savage Bees
savgbees.pdf 185.22 KB01/07/2011
Safari (set 1)
safari.pdf 2.73 MB01/07/2011
Saboten Bombers (set 1)
sabotenb.pdf 101.56 KB01/07/2011
Strikers 1945 (Japan)
s1945j.pdf 1.44 MB01/07/2011
Rival Schools (USA 971117)
rvschool.pdf 1.64 MB01/07/2011
Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 1)
ryukendn.pdf 1.06 MB01/07/2011
Strikers 1945 II
s1945ii.pdf 2.25 MB01/07/2011
Rygar (US set 1)
rygar.pdf 823.21 KB01/07/2011
Run Deep
rundeep.pdf 326.64 KB01/07/2011
R-Type (US)
rtypeu.pdf 3.22 MB01/07/2011
R-Type II
rtype2.pdf 1.38 MB01/07/2011
R-Type (World)
rtype.pdf 3.22 MB01/07/2011
Rolling Thunder (new version)
rthunder.pdf 3.23 MB01/07/2011
Rough Ranger (v2.0, unprotected, bootleg?)
rranger.pdf 2.40 MB01/07/2011
Rabbit Punch (US)
rpunch.pdf 3.62 MB01/07/2011
Route 16 (set 1)
route16.pdf 4.04 MB01/07/2011
Roc'n Rope
rocnrope.pdf 2.38 MB01/07/2011
Roll Fruit (040318)
rollfr_2.pdf 323.36 KB01/07/2011
Roc'n Rope (Kosuka)
rocnropek.pdf 2.38 MB01/07/2011
MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (Part 2)
rocktrv2.pdf 585.43 KB01/07/2011
Robotron: 2084 (Solid Blue label)
robotron.pdf 96.85 KB01/07/2011
Robot Bowl
robotbwl.pdf 2.88 MB01/07/2011
Atomic Robo-kid
robokid.pdf 1.53 MB01/07/2011
Robocop (US revision 1)
robocopu.pdf 610.05 KB01/07/2011
Robocop (World revision 4)
robocop.pdf 610.05 KB01/07/2011
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