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.: Mame Manuals Collection :.
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Descrizione Nome File Dimensione Data desc
Guns N Roses (3.00)
gnr_300.pdf 12.63 MB09/10/2011
Gold Ball
goldball.pdf 4.70 MB09/10/2011
Grand Lizard (L-4)
grand_l4.pdf 2.81 MB09/10/2011
Granny and the Gators (Video/Pinball Combo)
granny.pdf 1.14 MB09/10/2011
The Bally Game Show (L-4)
gs_l4.pdf 5.80 MB09/10/2011
The Getaway: High Speed II (L-5)
gw_l5.pdf 5.25 MB09/10/2011
hardbody.pdf 4.34 MB09/10/2011
hawkman.pdf 1.60 MB09/10/2011
hercules.pdf 1.90 MB09/10/2011
Harlem Globetrotters On Tour
hglbtrtr.pdf 6.74 MB09/10/2011
House of Diamonds
hod.pdf 1.03 MB09/10/2011
Hook (4.08)
hook_408.pdf 5.68 MB09/10/2011
hotdoggn.pdf 1.37 MB09/10/2011
Hot Hand
hothand.pdf 355.79 KB09/10/2011
Hot Wheels
hotwheel.pdf 2.41 MB09/10/2011
High Speed (L-4)
hs_l4.pdf 16.18 MB09/10/2011
Hurricane (L-2)
hurr_l2.pdf 4.79 MB09/10/2011
Heavy Metal Meltdown
hvymetap.pdf 4.21 MB09/10/2011
HyperBall (L-4)
hypbl_l4.pdf 2.82 MB09/10/2011
Indianapolis 500 (1.1R)
i500_11r.pdf 6.52 MB09/10/2011
Independence Day
id4.pdf 1.76 MB09/10/2011
Indiana Jones (L-7)
ij_l7.pdf 11.00 MB09/10/2011
250 CC
ind250cc.pdf 10.47 MB09/10/2011
Iron Maiden
ironmaid.pdf 688.95 KB09/10/2011
Jack*Bot (1.0R)
jb_10r.pdf 5.80 MB09/10/2011
Judge Dredd (L-7)
jd_l7.pdf 10.37 MB09/10/2011
Johnny Mnemonic (1.2R)
jm_12r.pdf 6.71 MB09/10/2011
Jungle Lord (L-2)
jngld_l2.pdf 9.18 MB09/10/2011
Jolly Park
jolypark.pdf 9.18 MB09/10/2011
Lost World: Jurassic Park, The (2.02)
jplstw22.pdf 48.55 MB09/10/2011
Kings of Steel
kosteel.pdf 6.12 MB09/10/2011
kz26.pdf 9.41 MB09/10/2011
Last Action Hero (1.12)
lah_112.pdf 4.36 MB09/10/2011
Lap By Lap
lapbylap.pdf 10.97 MB09/10/2011
lectrono.pdf 1.46 MB09/10/2011
lightnin.pdf 5.60 MB09/10/2011
locomotp.pdf 3.42 MB09/10/2011
Lost in Space
lostspc.pdf 1.77 MB09/10/2011
Lost World
lostwrlp.pdf 4.55 MB09/10/2011
Lord Of The Rings, The (10.00)
lotr.pdf 17.87 MB09/10/2011
Laser Cue (L-2)
lsrcu_l2.pdf 0.99 MB09/10/2011
Lethal Weapon 3 (2.08)
lw3_208.pdf 11.56 MB09/10/2011
Laser War (8.3)
lwar_a83.pdf 421.41 KB09/10/2011
Laser Ball (L-2)
lzbal_l2.pdf 2.43 MB09/10/2011
Mr. and Mrs. PacMan
m_mpac.pdf 4.13 MB09/10/2011
Mach 2
mach2.pdf 13.98 MB09/10/2011
magic.pdf 242.30 KB09/10/2011
Mata Hari
matahari.pdf 2.76 MB09/10/2011
Maverick (1.00)
mav_100.pdf 8.47 MB09/10/2011
Magic Castle
mcastle.pdf 3.57 MB09/10/2011
medusa.pdf 2.47 MB09/10/2011
megaaton.pdf 5.71 MB09/10/2011
Mephisto (rev. 1.2)
mephistp.pdf 5.67 MB09/10/2011
Meteor (Stern)
meteorp.pdf 2.83 MB09/10/2011
Mexico 86 (German speech)
mexico.pdf 1.57 MB09/10/2011
Middle Earth
midearth.pdf 10.00 MB09/10/2011
Millionaire (L-3)
milln_l3.pdf 9.87 MB09/10/2011
Medieval Madness (0.50)
mm_05.pdf 7.72 MB09/10/2011
Monday Night Football (2.7, 50cts)
mnfb_c27.pdf 1.63 MB09/10/2011
Monopoly (3.20)
monopolp.pdf 25.77 MB09/10/2011
Monster Bash
monsterb.pdf 29.20 MB09/10/2011
Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EA)
moomesa.pdf 927.68 KB09/10/2011
Motor Show
motrshow.pdf 11.46 MB09/10/2011
Mystery Castle
mystcast.pdf 3.54 MB09/10/2011
mystic.pdf 2.76 MB09/10/2011
Clown (Inder)
pinclown.pdf 4.72 MB09/10/2011
Cosmic Princess
princess.pdf 335.80 KB09/10/2011
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (3.20)
rab_320.pdf 18.74 MB09/10/2011
Soul Edge (Japan, SO1/VER.A)
souledgeja.pdf 70.11 KB09/10/2011
The Addams Family (L-5)
taf_l5.pdf 4.63 MB09/10/2011
The Addams Family Special Collectors Edition Gold (LX-3)
tafg_lx3.pdf 5.73 MB09/10/2011
Tekken 2 (Asia, TES2/VER.A)
tekken2aa.pdf 135.31 KB09/10/2011
Tekken 2 Ver.B (US, TES3/VER.B)
tekken2ub.pdf 135.31 KB09/10/2011
Tekken 3 (Asia, TET2/VER.A)
tekken3aa.pdf 2.97 MB09/10/2011
The Pit (US, set 1)
thepitu1.pdf 1.75 MB09/10/2011
Al's Garage Band Goes On A World Tour
wrldtour.pdf 3.74 MB09/10/2011
zwackery.pdf 2.99 MB01/07/2011
Zoo Keeper (set 1)
zookeep.pdf 4.20 MB01/07/2011
Zombie Raid (US)
zombraid.pdf 2.34 MB01/07/2011
Zombie Revenge (JPN, USA, EXP, KOR, AUS)
zombrvn.pdf 1.64 MB01/07/2011
Zing Zing Zip
zingzip.pdf 175.21 KB01/07/2011
zoar.pdf 4.09 MB01/07/2011
Zero Point 2
zeropnt2.pdf 998.35 KB01/07/2011
Zero Point (set 1)
zeropnt.pdf 566.01 KB01/07/2011
Zero Hour (set 1)
zerohour.pdf 2.40 MB01/07/2011
Zektor (revision B)
zektor.pdf 4.72 MB01/07/2011
Zaxxon (set 1)
zaxxon.pdf 5.16 MB01/07/2011
zarzon.pdf 2.28 MB01/07/2011
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (set 2)
yiear2.pdf 236.69 KB01/07/2011
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (set 1)
yiear.pdf 330.73 KB01/07/2011
Xybots (rev 2)
xybots.pdf 3.88 MB01/07/2011
Extreme Hunting
xtrmhunt.pdf 1.49 MB01/07/2011
Extreme Hunting 2
xtrmhnt2.pdf 193.07 KB01/07/2011
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004)
xmvsf.pdf 1.59 MB01/07/2011
X-Men (4 Players ver UBB)
xmen.pdf 919.72 KB01/07/2011
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105)
xmcota.pdf 594.88 KB01/07/2011
Xevious (Atari, harder)
xeviousa.pdf 2.73 MB01/07/2011
Xevious (Namco)
xevious.pdf 2.73 MB01/07/2011
X-Day 2 (Japan)
xday2.pdf 1.10 MB01/07/2011
WWF WrestleFest (US set 1)
wwfwfest.pdf 477.88 KB01/07/2011
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